by Brian

John Amaru Pinker wore a beige tactical outdoor vest over a southwestern diamond-patterned pullover, a pair of green hiking pants, and a broad-brimmed hat with a hawk feather in it, out of which dangled a white ponytail. He had a goatee and wore an iron ring on his left hand depicting a serpent swallowing its own tail.

I was joined by two women: a chubby, sexless older woman named Jan and a younger hippie chick named Tina. The Seven Ray Order website noted that “tour groups are limited to 3-4 spirit-centered people in order to foster an intimate atmosphere of discovery.”

Wearing a Panama hat, black polarized Ray Bans, sky-blue Nautica button-up with built in SPF, and Timberland sport clogs, with a Nikon D5 camera slung over my shoulder, I was by far the most fashionable group member.

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