Standing Arrow Straight

by Brian

Steve woke up with a problem: he had a hard-on.

He slung his weight to the edge of the bed and put his feet on the floor. A picture of his wife on the bedside table was eye-level with his hard-on. He turned the picture around.

Steve fixed his usual breakfast of oatmeal, scrambled eggs, and coffee. The hard-on faded.

Drinking a second cup of coffee he collected the paper from the front porch.

Kids walked to the bus stop, dragging their feet and wearing oversized backpacks. Cars pulled out of driveways, exhaust pouring from mufflers in the morning air. Birds were busy gleaning trees and gathering sticks for nests. Steve observed the morning bustle while his coffee grew cold.

He warmed it in the microwave. The beeping light on the phone indicated a message. Steve hoped it was one of the kids. But it was a salesperson, offering him an exclusive offer on car insurance. He called the number back. The woman on the other end had a southern accent that Steve liked. He listened to her pitch, but regretted to inform her that he currently had a better rate.

Read the Full Story at Terror House Magazine